To celebrate International Women’s day, Rocking Ur Teens will run a girls empowerment event
We need your help, we’d like to send each 13-14 year old girl attending away with a letter of inspiration in their goody bag.
Can you send a letter to inspire a teen?
Your letter can include advice you would give to your teen self, an inspirational quote or a message of hope based on your life now.
Please do not include your address or contact details, please just sign your letter, ‘from a friend’
Please mail your letter to
Rocking Ur Teens c/o Reflexion Associates Limited, (IWD message), Three Gables, 9 Cornerhall, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP3 9HN
or Email:
Your letter must be received it by 31st March, 2020
Please ensure that your message is appropriate to this age group, no profanity, or inappropriate messages. Inappropriate letters will be screened out.
About Us:
Now in our 5th year, Rocking Ur Teens is a social enterprise that equips young people with the skills that leaders of the future need. Our mission is to:
• develop entrepreneurial spirit, agility & flexibility, character, self-esteem
and good mental health.
• connect young people to industries, such as: Arts & Media, Science,
Technology and Business.
• equip young people to enjoy their teenage years, leading them to future
career success.
See for more information or follow us on Facebook: or Twitter: